Art Galleries

I wonder when and who conceived the first idea of building a museum to preserve decades and decades of art. I’m glad for museums and places that display lovely creations from bygone days. We may not always understand or appreciate the works we see; but our philosophy, our outlooks on life, our lives are enriched by the lives of those who have gone before us, be it from different art forms or the written word.  Museums help us gain insights on how to react for a better outcome, as well as discovering how to improve our approach to life. When we examine the lives and/or the works of people who have gone before us, we benefit from what they have portrayed, learned, or the mistakes they have made and recorded in some form so we can share it today. We are blessed with many assorted types of museums in this nation which can open our eyes to valuable lessons that will benefit us and our children. When we go to a museum begin by asking God to show us what He wants us to take away from that particular display. We may be surprised and delighted by our experience.

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