Those Who Went before Us

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Those Who Went before Us Our visit to a Naval Museum set our thinking going. So many people who lived in the United States of America from its earliest beginning to the present day have served our country well to get it established and later to enable it to

To Do Lists

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement To Do Lists Ah, the tyranny of a To Do List. They are helpful to keep us organized, prevent forgetfulness, and accomplish things we want/need done, but they still can create a lot of pressure on us. At times, they can make us feel we can’t possibly get everything

Hope Springs Eternal, Even Now

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Hope Springs Eternal, Even Now This is part of a phrase in the Essay of Man by Alexander Pope. The complete phrase is, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” At the beginning of the new year, people want to feel hopeful. They hope a new year will bring


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Friends Laughter rang around the table. The warmth of conversation had nothing to do with the sandwiches and Christmas cookies, but food offered a good excuse to get together. Friendships that endure over years and years through thick and thin bring a special joy. Friends know what ties unite

Christmas Joy

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Christmas Joy Christmas Eve excitement in the girl’s bedroom made it hard for Louisa to get her four younger sisters in bed. Louisa hung the last of her sisters well-darned stockings on the two double bedsteads where the five of them slept. Because the stockings covered their legs from

Horse and Buggy

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Horse and Buggy Jingling sleigh bells and the clip, clop of horse hooves can transfer our thoughts to past history where such an experience was commonplace. Horse drawn rides are easier to find at Christmas time and are a lot of fun. Kids love the experience and adults reminisce

Christmas Gatherings

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Christmas Gatherings “You didn’t know what we did during World War 11…” The two brothers burst into laughter, interrupting their story until they could catch their breath and talk over their mirth. In the middle of Christmas dinner the family stopped, forks held mid-air, waiting for them to collect

Christmas Dolls

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Christmas Dolls I remember the year I received a large doll with real feeling hair for Christmas. I named her Alice. She was big enough to wear some of my baby clothes mother had saved from my own infancy. I was sure she was the most beautiful doll in

A Unique Approach to Puzzles

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement A Unique Approach to Puzzles The timing of our puzzle gift was perfect. Not up to power for a big, complicated puzzle, but needing an interesting way to pass the time while we recovered from Covid, we were given a puzzle of 500 pieces way beyond our concentration or


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Covid We managed to stave off this nasty virus for three years, but November was our time of come-up-ance. We are grateful that more medicines to help recovery are now available. We are also thankful that this variety of the virus is less vicious than the original. Also from