
Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Talents The attractive centerpiece of intricately decorated cupcakes reflected the beautiful, intertwined relationships of the ladies celebrating a beloved friend’s birthday. Love, laughter, prayer, and sharing stories made for a perfect birthday celebration. How privileged to be a part of such a loving group of caring people. The love

Beautiful Foliage

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Beautiful Foliage The berries looked a lot like raspberries, but the foliage didn’t. The beautiful bush or small tree was a Japanese dogwood. I was too late to see the white blossoms that preceded the berries in the spring, but the sight of lots of bright red berries against


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Bears Our group of small children were quite taken with the bears in the zoo. Their big brown bodies lumbered about their generous space on the hot, hot afternoon at about the same pace we adults were moving. We were all a bit envious when they immersed themselves in


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Limber The gathering of a group of children can leave their elders feeling exhausted just from watching the amount of movement made by each child. As we observe, we can identify movements that would make our joints creak and set our muscles screaming in protest. One did perfect cartwheels


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Creativity The eager children sat down to paint with their cousins. A shower curtain to protect the table, a paper plate to hold a squeeze of paint in several bright colors, a paint brush, and a piece of paper sets the stage for creativity. It really doesn’t matter what

Baby Rabbits

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Baby Rabbits Eager hands reached out to pet the cute baby bunnies. Only a few weeks old, the bunnies were small, cute, and enjoyed the attention. They were defenseless little creatures, so the children needed to be shown the safe and comfortable way to handle the trusting little creatures.

Heat Relief

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Heat Relief Two little girls interrupted their wide-eyed visit to the intriguing zoo animals at the sight of an inviting row of flowing waterspouts set at just the right height for little children. One used the opportunity to cool off on a hot summer day by washing her feet


  Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Goodbyes Laughter rang out at every meal. Hugs abounded. Love reigned. A family reunion renews love and cements ties between people who live too far away to see one another regularly. My heart felt as if it would burst with joy from watching all the happy children playing

Aquarium Fun

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Aquarium Fun What fun! The little ones stood back at the first sight of fish larger than themselves swimming behind the enormous glass wall which separated us from the fish swimming beyond it. When they saw their bigger cousins run right up to the glass wall, they did too.


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Children Riddle of the week. What has the power to exasperate you beyond understanding, yet has the power to bring laughter and delight to your heart beyond all else? I already gave away the answer in the title above. Children. Of course. A disobedient child or a childish tantrum