A Fluke

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement A Fluke After a year with few live sporting events to watch, it was fun to attend a minor league baseball game. Fast-throwing young pitchers made base hits hard to attain, but occasionally a strong fellow managed to slam the ball with power. Yet able fielders with strong throwing


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Windmills The road leading out of Dallas, Texas was lined with rows of windmills. These were not the old-fashioned, round, fan-shaped kind, that used to catch wind on many farms to draw water from wells. No. These tall cement structures are topped with three huge, long arms that rotate


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Games We didn’t all know each other very well. Some of us had just met for the first time. if people are generous in their judgements of one another’s game tactics, Scattergories is a perfect game to create an atmosphere of laughter and comradie. Nothing can unlock reserve and


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Rainbows Geography separates our family. Many miles and state lines stand between our homes. But on this day, we were together, delighting in conversing face to face in the same room, a rare privilege. Imagine our amazement to look out the window and see this gorgeous rainbow. We gasped

Ice Cream Cones

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Ice Cream Cones While Ice Cream Cones are delicious, they are a guaranteed mess in the hands of a small child. The bathtub or an outdoor hose offers the best answer but are not usually immediately available unless the cone is made and consumed at home. Never-the-less the expression


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Peace I am amazed at the power of certain choruses. How can singing words that reflect the spirit of the scriptures to a simple tune bring peace as soon as they leave my mouth? Somehow, beyond human understanding, a simple song containing Bible concepts can change the turmoil of

Remedy for Black Mold

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Remedy for Black Mold Another family met the shock, despair, and uncertainties which accompanied their discovery of black mold hidden from sight in their house. Medical tests confirmed this was the source of the miseries their little child experienced. People gave them refuge in another house while they followed

Black Mold

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Black Mold Several families in our acquaintance have had to deal with the grim situation of black mold in their house. The consequences were dire. One family’s house was demolished and all that was left was a 12 ft deep hole in the ground. The house was destroyed, lumber

Legacy of Honor

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Legacy of Honor In my grandparent’s day, a hand shake was adequate to commit oneself to an obligation. A man’s word was something worthy of protecting. They valued honesty. A family letter surfaced revealing a generous gift of money. Although the relationship was to an in-law distantly related, one

The Legacy of History

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement The Legacy of History My paternal grandma demonstrated her love with hours upon hours of playing card games with me. Looking back, I wonder how she summoned up the patience to play the card game we called Battle over and over for what must have seemed endless to the