Remedy for Black Mold

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Remedy for Black Mold Another family met the shock, despair, and uncertainties which accompanied their discovery of black mold hidden from sight in their house. Medical tests confirmed this was the source of the miseries their little child experienced. People gave them refuge in another house while they followed

Black Mold

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Black Mold Several families in our acquaintance have had to deal with the grim situation of black mold in their house. The consequences were dire. One family’s house was demolished and all that was left was a 12 ft deep hole in the ground. The house was destroyed, lumber

Legacy of Honor

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Legacy of Honor In my grandparent’s day, a hand shake was adequate to commit oneself to an obligation. A man’s word was something worthy of protecting. They valued honesty. A family letter surfaced revealing a generous gift of money. Although the relationship was to an in-law distantly related, one

The Legacy of History

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement The Legacy of History My paternal grandma demonstrated her love with hours upon hours of playing card games with me. Looking back, I wonder how she summoned up the patience to play the card game we called Battle over and over for what must have seemed endless to the

Legacy of Encouragement

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Legacy of Encouragement I don’t remember my Grandmother lecturing me about life or what I should do in the face of a problem. What I remember is the absolute certainty of her love for me and the security of her warmth toward me when she saw me or wrote

Legacy of Responsibility

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Legacy of Responsibility My grandparents raised their food. They kept chickens for eggs and meat. They had cows for milk and butter. They raised lambs for wool which Grandma carded and stuffed into quilts. They raised hogs for meat. They planted and harvested fields of grain and gardens of

Legacy of Bravery

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Legacy of Bravery One benefit of growing older is the privilege of perspective it brings. I see the legacy of bravery my grandmother provided our large family which I couldn’t define when I was a child. Life didn’t go according to the pattern my grandmother expected as a small

Legacy of Love

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Legacy of Love Grandmother’s have a special role whether we recognize it or not. What will our grandchildren remember about us after we are long gone to our reward beyond the veil? What will produce a treasured memory in the hearts of our grandchildren? It might be the smell

Old letters

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Old letters I had put off opening and reading the boxes of letters in my attic that had been passed down by my parents. A move plus the pandemic combined with the need to free up some space finally nudged me to dive into the chore. By the end

A Work of Art

A Work of Art A varied group gathered to paint cookies with icing. We represented four generations of people from little kids, to their mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers. Our skills ran from the scribble-with-crayons stage to those skilled with normal everyday use of writing with a pen or pencil, to those trained to paint