
Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Plexiglas Wouldn’t it have been grand if we had had the foresight to invest in Plexiglas early January of 2020? I’ll bet we would have been rewarded with a significant increase in our investment. Now, it seems every cash register anywhere has a Plexiglas barrier to help ward off

Tie Dye

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Tie Dye Who would have thought in February 2020 that by less than a year later, every catalogue and store would offer a selection of masks to buy? Many women have made a cottage industry out of making masks, using a wide array of fabric, styles, and colors. Tie-dyed


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Drive-bys Hearts were heavy, but eager anticipation permeated the church parking lot as car after car lined up and received pin-wheels or butterflies dancing at the end of a stick. With at least 75 cars, we made an impressive line as we drove, one closely behind the other through


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Cheetahs How majestic the Cheetah looked standing on the tall rock in the zoo. We were glad, however, when he fastened his eyes on our four-year old that a moat and a fence was between him and our little party of great grandchildren. He tracked her small form as

A Lion’s Roar

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement A Lion’s Roar Our family has always loved the zoo, especially when taking young children. We particularly enjoy the larger zoo animals such as the Lions. At a recent visit to the zoo, we were disappointed to see that the lion was asleep on his back. One of our

Love Finds a Way

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Love Finds a Way Cars are a blessing in a Pandemic. Some places still have drive-in movie theaters. Drive through fast food places maintains social distanting in a Pandemic. We bank via the drive-through. The Covid 19 Pandemic has given birth to new ways to use our cars. Drive-bys

Lifting Heavy Loads

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Lifting Heavy Loads The crane was huge. When it drove up, its boom required a long truck bed to carry it. It appeared even longer when it was hoisted up in the air and hovered over another large truck bed to pick up an immense air conditioning unit. Several

Big Turtles

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Big Turtles When at rest, the huge zoo turtles looked more like great boulders that fell off cliffs than the little hand-sized turtles one can purchase for home aquariums. These turtles moved about their zoo home at a slow pace that would drive mothers of young children loony were

Valentine Love

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Valentine Love My first memory of Valentine’s Day celebrations is of my elementary schoolroom and a decorated box of valentines to pass out to giggling classmates. A recent sight at the other end of the age spectrum made a strong statement of the value of love regardless of age.


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Flamingos The group of Flamingos gathered together near the water made a spectacular display of pink. What unusual creatures they are. The fact they congregate in large groups makes them even more striking. A group of Flamingos are called a stand or a flamboyance. I like the latter name