Foam Stonehenge

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Foam Stonehenge The picture’s background gives away the fact this is not the Stonehenge built in England from enormous stones. Instead, it’s a model made from Styrofoam displayed at a fall festival near Washington, D.C.  I wonder what motivated someone to make a foam Stonehenge. Since the dimensions were


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Snow My husband and I live in a climate where it seldom snows. Hence, snow is a big event. When the forecast calls for snow, the grocery stores fill up with people who rapidly empty the shelves of staples. Because of the lack of practice, many of our local

Wayward Dog

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Wayward Doggy A deer crossing her yard was beyond the dog’s resisting. The temptation to run after this new looking creature stirred all Annie’s dog instincts. As darkness settled over the new yard where she’d only lived a short time, the Chocolate Labrador ran after the intruder on her


Mary’s Monday Musing to Quilt Encouragement Medicine The nurse rolled a sturdy pole on wheels to my hospital bedside. From it, she carefully hung several bags filled with clear, heavy looking fluids. One was labeled Cipro. The other labels were too small to read from where my head lay on my pillow. With gentle efficiency,

The Magic of Touch

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement The Magic of Touch We had already shared several delightful telephone conversations full of laughter and love. We exchanged Christmas cards. We laughed together. We used our words on the phone to convey love and sympathy when situations were charged with sadness. But there is nothing as special as

On Top of the Clouds

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement On Top of the Clouds Our Airplane revved up the engines and roared off the runway. Bouncing and tipping some, the plane bored through the cloud cover that hovered over the area around the airport. In a short time, our plane leveled off above the clouds, and the puffy,

Majestic Eagles

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Majestic Eagles The nests were high at the top of the trees. We needed to crane our necks to see the white ball of an eagle head, regal as it stood atop the large nest. Eagles thrive in our northern most state of Alaska.  It’s fun to realize how

The Treasure of Health

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement The Treasure of Health A healthy body that functions well! What a marvelous, wondrous blessing! Isn’t that a most glorious blessing way beyond such often coveted blessings of wealth, experiences, power or human accomplishment? Think of the number of systems in our body that function every day. Consider the

Appetite Blessings

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Appetite Blessings I’m How many things do we take for granted in our everyday lives instead of appreciating them as a blessing from God? A recent bout with sickness gave me a renewed appreciation for the blessing of an appetite. We may remember to thank God for our food,


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Christmas So many blessings of Christmas surround us during this Christmas season. Beautiful lights decorate homes and businesses. In stores, libraries and schools, we are treated with lovely Christmas trees sparkling with ornaments in numerous styles. Our mail boxes are filled with welcomed cards and letters from much loved