Cloudy View

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Cloudy View The ribbon of clouds ran a heavy stripe across the middle of the mountain. From our vantage point at a distance from the mountain, we could see that the top of the mountain and the lower level of the mountain were completely clear. The entire mountain wasn’t

Sled Dogs

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Sled dogs We watched sixteen sled dogs prance with eager excitement as they were hitched to the traces that connected them to one another and the sled they would practice pulling. With tails wagging in pleasure, the dogs yipped in happy anticipation of the exercise. One of them was

Sled Dogs

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement   Sled dogs     We watched sixteen sled dogs prance with eager excitement as they were hitched to the traces that connected them to one another and the sled they would practice pulling. With tails wagging in pleasure, the dogs yipped in happy anticipation of the exercise.  One


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement   Memories     I’m always glad when I’m at a gathering that sings “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. My first thought upon hearing that song is of my Grandfather who sang in a barbershop quartet at church. A large man with a deep, powerful voice, I


Mary’s Monday Musing to Quilt Encouragement.   Sunflowers       Live sunflowers always make me smile, and an entire field of sunflowers makes me laugh. What is there about a sunflower that brings cheer?  Perhaps it’s because they stand so tall and the blossoms are so large as well as the yellow so bright.


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement. Mine!! Mine, Mine! Cries of indignation and screams of outrage are almost guaranteed when a group of two- and three-year old’s gather. Howls of protest ring out their distressing sounds when toddlers engage in tug-of-wars to jerk toys back and forth with each child determined to claim possession. Fortunately,

Hearing Our Shepherd

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement  Hearing Our Shepherd Not a sheep was in sight when our bus pulled up to the fenced-in pasture outside the barn. We sympathized with the animals. The inside of the barn offered welcome shade from the hot sun. “Never mind,” our guide said. “As soon as I call, they’ll


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Old Letters

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement   Old Letters     Keeping old letters is my family’s custom. My mother kept many special ones from her sisters, mother, and grandchildren. When we read them years later, the letters blessed us with insights, information, and inspiration; therefore, I often kept ones from dearly beloved people. Since

Dealing with Dread

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Dealing with Dread     Sometimes anticipation is unpleasant. Anticipating shots, surgery, disagreements, layoffs or worse can bring dread and anxiety. Somehow, life has a way of sprinkling in experiences that run the gamut from distasteful to horrific.  Sometimes the sprinkle arrives more like a downpour of hurricane proportions.