Easter Egg Hunt

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Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Procrastinating.     The little pumpkin was perfectly shaped, a beautiful little globe of orange. Sporting a sturdy green stem, it provided an attractive addition to the centerpiece on my dining table. I planned to make some pumpkin pies from it when the fall season yielded to Christmas decorations.

Goodbye Stalwart Sentinel

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement     Goodbye Stalwart Sentinel     Our neighbor’s magnificent tree stood tall above all the homes and most of the neighborhood trees. Perfectly shaped it made a circle of shade and stood like a guard over its area where it provided shelter for birds, squirrels and a lot

Awe and Wonder

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement     Awe and Wonder     Put a little child in front of a large fish tank full of fish much bigger than the little one, and you will see expressions of awe and wonder. What fun to observe such enthusiasm and excitement. Seeing our surroundings through the

Worthy of Appreciation

W Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement   Worthy of Appreciation   I stood at the window as fascinated as any five-year-old truck lover would have been. The crew working to remove the mountain of leaves at our curb moved with the skill and proficiency of an acrobat team. Here, however, the participants were two


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement   Shoes   A baby’s first steps are a thrill both to the child and the parents. Teetering and stumbling, the little one s wears a wide smile while taking those first steps. The instinctive response of anyone privileged to watch is to clap and cheer. All concerned are


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement   Underground     We had to admit it was a good use of limited space. The apartment buildings, built long ago along the Brooklyn streets. were three stories high in the densely populated area. Each apartment was narrow in order to cram in yet more people. The basement

Delightful In-laws

Mary’s Monday Musing to Quilt Encouragement   Delightful In-Laws   Hugs all around, joyful faces, plenty of smiles and laughter warm our hearts when we get together with in-laws. Our times are marked by good will, sincere interest and caring. For some that might seem to be an unattainable utopia, a fantasy, or a paradise

A Privilege

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement A Privilege What fun to celebrate a person’s birthday! Birthdays are one thing everybody has in common. We all have them. Whenever we have the opportunity to gather around someone and observe their birthday together, we can count it a privilege and go to whatever lengths possible to attend


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement   Stupendous   Along with the rows of people sitting in front of me at a symphony concert, I shook my head in wonder at the accomplishments of the featured violinist. Her instrument filled the concert hall with resounding tones, pumping our emotions as her bow stroked her violin.