
  Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Sharks             The sea roiled with a school of fish leaping out of the water. Were they jumping to escape the mouth of a shark?  Our family hastened out of the water to observe from the shore. Several fins appeared and the jumping intensified as the fish tried

Crashing Waves

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Crashing Waves The waves broke without violence, but they were high and strong enough to knock over  the three little children, ages two, three and four. Two tall Daddies provided strong arms to safely carry the children past the breakers in their puddle jumpers which encircled their arms and


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Pictures             I love pictures. They capture precious memories to retrieve and relive. I’m not all that great a photographer with perfect composition and focus, but an image that preserves a loved one’s facial expression, a happy event, or a beautiful scene is worth revisiting even if it isn’t

Demonstrations of Love

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement. Demonstrations of Love             Is there anything more wonderful than mutual love? Family love. Married love. Friendship Love. God’s love. Love is the greatest treasure on this earth, and we just experienced a great load of it. We had the joy of seeing three families from our broader family

The Fixer

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement The Fixer             Screech!! Jerk. Jarring, Not what you want to hear and feel when driving down the road late at night. A sound followed as if something fell away and then our ride smoothed out and the noise stopped. Ah, maybe we threw a hub cap, we thought.

Think the Best

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Think the Best                   “Now, Mary, she may have had a headache. Or perhaps something was terribly upsetting at home before she left for school.” Mother must have seen disbelief in my young, upset eyes. Perhaps I shook my head because she continued. “Always give someone the benefit

Rocks and Hazards

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Rocks and Hazards All activity stopped. The group of people scattered about cleaning up from the wedding stood as if frozen for the second it took my husband to step back from a sudden cascade of water onto a large uneven rock and tumble to the ground. Then people

All to Myself

Mary’s Monday Musing to Quilt Encouragement All to Myself   I love long drives. Time alone with my husband is a treat. In the car on a long trip, there are no doorbells to interrupt, no chores demanding attention, no schedule pressures. Just the two of us to talk to our heart’s content—to explore ideas,

Who Gives This Woman?

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Oops. Our Granddaughter’s wedding was so delightful I missed the post-the-blog day. Better late than never? Who Gives This Woman?             I remember sitting in the front row at the marriage of our precious daughter and thinking. Have I taught her everything she needs to know? I knew I

Extreme Beauty

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Extreme Beauty             The calm water shimmered in the late afternoon sun while the rhythm of the waves lulled us to relax.  The sand warmed and soothed my feet. The breezes blew away the cares of the day, and the delicious food provided a sense of special pampering. The