Christmas Cards

Mary’s Monday Musings Christmas Cards             I relish looking in my mail box and finding a Christmas card with a letter that catches me up on the news of a family I love. Contact with far away friends brings a special joy to Christmas. Between this electronic age, cost of postage, and the hectic pace


Gifts             Today I found the perfect Christmas gift for a loved one. It seems every Christmas, one gift will stand out as the best present of the holiday, because it is exactly right for the intended recipient. The gift is not perfect because it is costly but rather because it reflects the person’s interest,


Mary’s Monday Musings Thankfulness- Posted Nov 24             As Thanksgiving approaches, I remember one evening when our children were young. After our family dinner ended with homemade cake for dessert, the children ran outdoors to play. Our youngest son turned back to say, “Mamma, you’re a good maker.” No compliment ever sounded better. Even after

Memories of Trust

Mary’s Monday Musings Memories of Trust             My husband and I enjoyed a college memory this week. As college students, we had gone on a double date with friends to eat supper at a different college in a nearby town. We rode in the back seat of our friend’s car for the thirteen mile

Laundry Woes

Mary’s Monday Musings My old washing machine is falling down on the job. Oh, it washes most things well but not my dark trousers. My husband’s dark trousers come through a wash cycle nice and clean, but mine emerge splotched with patches and streaks as if faded or stained. They look worse than before I

A Telephone Call

Mary’s Monday Musings A Telephone Call             I’m still enjoying the delight of an unexpected telephone call from our first born son. How wonderful to hear his voice, exchange news, thoughts, and even philosophy. He lives in Texas so face to face conversations are infrequent. I love the timbre of his voice. It’s distinctive cadence.


Tenderness             It’s such fun watching our 3 year old great granddaughter play with her baby doll. She tenderly covers it with a blanket and rocks the doll in her arms. The moment something else happens in the room to attract her attention, she abruptly abandons poor baby for the next interest, all semblance of

Long Horns

Long Horns             I’ve never seen such immense horns. Instead of the elaborate multi-pronged rack of deer or elk, the two horns on the Watusi cattle at the zoo were very thick, perhaps 10 inches or more in diameter at the base. One horn stuck out at least two feet at an angle on each

Under Construction

Mary’s Monday Musings Under Construction             The road that provides access to my neighborhood is under construction. It’s been under construction for months and months and months. During this time, the road has developed lots of potholes and uneven surfaces. The intersection which leads to a new bridge over the railroad carries one construction truck