Worn Out

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Worn Out Many of us remember or are in the midst of those exhausting days when sick kids, one after another, keep us up late and often during the nights. Or, we can remember the times our responsibilities piled up until our mind and days were crowded with no

Refrigerator Art

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Refrigerator Art The front of my refrigerator may not be neat and tidy, but it tells a wonderful story. Papers held in place by magnets proclaim love, and hint at budding artistic talent while giving witness to the process of children growing up. Great Grandchildren’s artwork, notes, and pictures

A Family Tradition

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement A Family Tradition My Mother’s family has a long-established custom of sharing newspaper clippings. They cut out anything from cartoons, to editorials, to society events such as engagement announcements. Putting the clipping in an envelope and adding a letter, the missile was posted to a relative who might be

A Surprising Traffic Cone

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement A Surprising Traffic Cone As the traffic sped past the traffic cone separating the lanes going East from the lanes going West, I wondered how many people noticed the flower arrangement that decorated the top of it. I gave it a second glance. Could that really be flowers there?

Doggy in Church

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Doggy in Church The large poodle lay contentedly on the church floor in front of his family. The young boy wiggled a bit in his seat, and the dog got up and came to him. After the boy scratched him behind the ears, mama pulled the upper part of


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Heroines Published in 1850, the book is old. It’s binding looks like a heavy string. Its contents are fascinating. It contains stories of real women who played heroic roles during our Revolutionary War to win independence from Britain. Besides the more famous women, the stories are about everyday women

Those Who Went before Us

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Those Who Went before Us Our visit to a Naval Museum set our thinking going. So many people who lived in the United States of America from its earliest beginning to the present day have served our country well to get it established and later to enable it to

To Do Lists

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement To Do Lists Ah, the tyranny of a To Do List. They are helpful to keep us organized, prevent forgetfulness, and accomplish things we want/need done, but they still can create a lot of pressure on us. At times, they can make us feel we can’t possibly get everything

Hope Springs Eternal, Even Now

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Hope Springs Eternal, Even Now This is part of a phrase in the Essay of Man by Alexander Pope. The complete phrase is, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” At the beginning of the new year, people want to feel hopeful. They hope a new year will bring


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement Friends Laughter rang around the table. The warmth of conversation had nothing to do with the sandwiches and Christmas cookies, but food offered a good excuse to get together. Friendships that endure over years and years through thick and thin bring a special joy. Friends know what ties unite