Bringing out the Best

Rescue boats fill a flooded street at flood victims are evacuated as floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey rise Monday, Aug. 28, 2017, in Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Bringing out the Best
The TV scenes challenged my mind as I tried to comprehend the misery of what I saw—endless pictures of water deep enough to cover the roofs of houses and miles of roads, lawns and houses totally under water. Yet magnificence volunteers poured in to form compassionate fleets with whatever they owned that floated. A fleet intent on rescuing people and pets whose lives have been submerged in the waters of Hurricane Harvey. Each picture and report of terrifying dangers was countered by big hearted people who immersed themselves into rescuing their neighbors from danger. People have come from far and near to carry whatever material things they can to bring comfort and provide necessities to those stunned, numb, and endangered from the disaster that destroys their normal life.
Contrast these scenes with those from only a short time ago. Scenes of angry mobs intent on harming whoever disagrees with their point of view. Scenes of violent intimidation staining our landscape. Floods of hysteria spill over the banks of reason to drown out opposite views by wielding poles and fists to beat, damage, and subdue other humans without regard to the harm inflicted.
The Houston flotilla which ranged from plastic blown up rafts, to rowboats, to spiffy speedboats touched more noble emotions in viewers across the country. Our hearts swelled with pride to be a part of a nation where kind people wade, row, or motor to the aid of their fellow man. People used their vacations to travel and help those endangered in their homes. Other trucked in supplies or prepared food to feed those cut off from stores. Hospitals transferred sick patients from flooded halls, compassionate jail Wardens transferred their prisoners to facilities on dry ground. My heart swells with pride in my fellow Americans. They sacrificed time, money, and put themselves into uncomfortable, dangerous situations to help their fellowman. The goodness of the great majority of our people is our country’s greatest asset and our most amazing treasure. Brave Houstonians and all those who rush to the city to help chose honorable actions over destructive ones touch our hearts.
In a week’s time the emphasis switched from what separates us and what we disagree about to how to help meet the basic needs of our fellow citizens who are in trouble. When natural forces beyond our control slammed a section of our country and people arose to demonstrate compassion and caring, we dare to pray that God will show us ways to become a populace of compassion that can set aside differences and establish priorities that elevate the welfare of people over ideology. God help us not to be easily offended, to not risk one another’s safety. Sometimes it seems like it takes dreadful disasters to help us get our priorities straight. God help us become more Christ like in our thinking.
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