Bull Dog

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Bull Dog

With a plop, the lively five-year-old set down the large bulldog on Grandpa’s lap, giving Grandpops the privilege of taking care of the new stuffed toy while the little owner trotted off for another attractive pursuit. Periodically, she wandered back to make sure Grandpa was paying attention to her stuffed treasure. His pat on the brown and black head satisfied her. She gave the toy her own pat and was off again for a new activity. Mr. Bulldog spent a large part of the afternoon by Grandpa’s side while the little girl with the skill of any five-year-old girl gave Grandpa a vastly more delightful privilege—watching her movements and listening to her chatter. He was highly honored to protect Mr. Bulldog, but even more so to enjoy the privilege of participating in the life of a delightful child.

When we find ourselves captivated by the charm of a small child, it’s a good time to talk to God about the child. If it’s not an appropriate time to speak out loud, we can use our thoughts to thank God for creating this child and ask for His protection over the little one. We can ask for Him to direct the decisions and actions of the child and to draw the child to follow God at a young age. We can also look for the openings when our out loud prayers for the child would be welcomed or at least tolerated for God’s blessings upon this little one’s life. Contrarily if the child’s problems are on display, we can also pray without making a show of it. We can ask God to intervene and help the child and parents. God cares about the little ones more than we can comprehend.

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