Christmas Cards

Mary’s Monday Musings

Christmas Cards

            I relish looking in my mail box and finding a Christmas card with a letter that catches me up on the news of a family I love. Contact with far away friends brings a special joy to Christmas. Between this electronic age, cost of postage, and the hectic pace of this time in history, I wonder if Christmas messages of love will become obsolete? I hope not. Watching distant children grow in their Christmas pictures year after year or observing the accumulation of wrinkles on beloved faces meshes our hearts a notch closer together if only for a moment. A message printed by the card’s manufacturer still conveys the worth of the relationship we enjoy with the sender. The additional benefit of a physical card is that one can hold it in hand and easily return to the message and to the images over and over for double the pleasure. Receiving a Christmas card offers an excellent time to ask God to bless the sender and their family, to pray for the friends. This way we can play a part in their lives via prayer in spite of the distance. Friends and family are the riches of life on earth. Thank God for each message of Christmas and ask His blessing on every one of them. The wealth of solid friendships is worth the investment of time to maintain. The warm hug of a Christmas card symbolizes a gift from God.


God enjoys our communication with Him also.  It doesn’t cost a stamp, it doesn’t require electronic gadgets, it isn’t limited to a certain season.  All that’s required is focusing on God and telling him what is on our mind. Imagine, you can be friends with the maker of the Universe! Try it, You’ll like the it.

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