Christmas Cards
I’m not sure if the next generation has embraced Christmas cards as much as mine has, but regardless they remain a blessing. Even if it is only once a year, a card from longtime friends who no longer live nearby brings delight. If it also contains a sentence or two beyond those printed on the card, it brightens our day even more. If it includes pictures for us to feast our eyes upon, we receive even more information to catch up on people we value. This method of staying in touch with scattered friends and relatives is worth all the work involved.
It does take time to address Christmas greeting envelopes, jot a note, or print a newsletter. Postage also costs, but it is an excellent way to bless friends and relatives. Some sort of correspondence is essential to maintaining a sense of connection over the years. A phone call, text or e-mail does the same, but they don’t lend themselves to reading over and over or keeping to review over and over during the year. Christmas time is a perfect time to confirm our interest in a person with a card. It carries an unspoken invitation for the people we treasure to respond on their end to maintain our connection. A Christmas card is a token of caring and affection. It is worth the time and effort.
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