Corporate Praise

What a wonderful privilege it is to praise our God side by side with a group of believers. Not only is it a privilege; it brings blessings with it. The time we spend in church singing praises to our God serves important purposes. It creates a sense of unity and connection with our fellow worshippers. It strengthens our own faith; it enhances our love for one another in the congregation. It emboldens us because it makes our love of God public. Praise makes our hearts more receptive for the message or messages which follow. Praising God together helps us clear our minds from our problems and focus on the goodness of God. We get to plug into the faith of our fellow praisers as well. Faith is contagious. When participating in corporate praise, we encourage each other.

This is a good reason Zoom meetings can never completely replace attending church in person.  Breathing the same air in the same atmosphere, observing the praise of others sitting around us allows us to build each other up. We grasp the presence of God in our midst. So set your alarm to wake up in time to get to church in order to bask in the blessing of corporate worship.

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