Encouraging Friendships

Mary’s Monday Musings.


Encourage Friendship


Family and friends—the greatest of  life’s riches. Don’t you agree?  Loving relationships surpass even marvelous events, exciting experiences, and financial wealth. The first two are fleeting and the last can also vanish in a flash or weigh one down with concerns. But nourished friendships can last a lifetime and bring joy and comfort to our souls.


Recently, we had the pleasure of visiting long time friends who live in Texas. Distance and time haven’t dimmed our friendship one whit. How they showered us with love! Why, after living apart for 30 some years and not seeing one another for four years, is our relationship as sweet as ever? Maybe that word ‘nourish’ is a key.


It’s easier in this technical age than it used to be. In addition to old fashion snail mail, we have e-mail, Skype, and inexpensive long distance telephoning so we can keep up with what’s going on in one another’s lives. But I think there is another secret. Our dear Texas friends are magnificent prayer warriors and have faithfully prayed for us through assorted life battles. Each of us encounters skirmishes during our lives. Praying for one another forms an amazing bond that endures in spite of years and separation. Friendships flourish with Jesus at their center. In addition, focusing on one another’s strengths and ignoring faults prospers relationships.


I think earthly friendships are a foreshadowing of Heaven. Imagine having all eternity to grow in our delight for Jesus and the occupants of Heaven?  Think how much a smile or a kind. appreciative word from your pew mate warms your heart on a Sunday morning. God’s getting us ready for the pleasures of heaven.


Next week, let’s consider the encouragement of family.

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