Essentials For My Wellbeing

At the risk of sounding a bit over the top, I will confess that for me, the most essential response to life’s aggravating, disappointing, or down-right sad moments is prayer.  Not the formal kind of prayer you find in a prayer book, but a time of talking to God in the raw so to speak. Talking about what has gone wrong, and how I feel about it. Telling Him how much I need His help with the situation, whatever it is. Asking God to heal, mend, or show me what to do or how to think about any given problem may not result in instant relief, but it changes my approach. If after a time of unloading, I commit the situation to God’s hands, I’m better able to view it more calmly. After a time of prayer about the subject, I’m more likely to be open to fresh thoughts on the situation. Prayer helps me lean on my heavenly Father to walk through whatever I face. He is ready to provide the listening friend, a distracting activity; or, best of all, the approach and the attitudes which lift us above the fray.  Write a paragraph about what is essential to you and why.

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