Flower Girls
There’s no more charming sight than little flower girls at a wedding. This little flower girl sported a special hairdo complete with a distinctive barrette. Between her hairdo, a long dress, and her careful placement of white rose petals along the pathway the bride would walk, she and her sister flower girls delighted the wedding guests. When the girls took their seats, we could tell from their broad smiles that they were pleased with their inclusion in the important ceremony. They will always remember their exciting participation. They will feel extra close to the bride and groom because they performed their role on that special day.
The pageantry of a wedding creates more than fun and delight for the occasion. The rituals serve to help everyone recognize the importance of the vows the bride and groom declare. The little flower girls join the other guests as witnesses to the bridal couple’s commitment to one another. The pageantry reinforces the importance of the occasion. All the special plans for a wedding are worthwhile because they emphasize that the ceremony is intended to begin a permanent allegiance. It’s a public pronouncement of intention. Hopefully the planning, the service, and the pageantry will provide strong memories to reinforce the bridal couples’ original intent because most lives will encounter some bumpy times. The memory of their wedding can serve to reinforce a couple’s determination to work on the relationship. God, Himself, witnesses wedding vows be they public or private. He, Himself provides the power to ride through the bumpy times. Sometimes the ride becomes impossible. Then it is God, Himself, Who has the ability to comfort people and reassure them of His love. His commitment to His people is forever. He forgives and loves. Pray for His presence at weddings and His help forevermore.
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