
Do you ever marvel at the amazing things people think up and stand in awe that someone could come up with such different concepts.  We stood in a museum recently and marveled at the different approach to displaying famous pictures of art that moved around the room probably as a result of a projector or something innovative which moved the picture from one place to another, eventually replacing it with another picture which allowed us to see the artwork without moving around ourselves. The pictures moved around us instead. Who would have ever thought? A friend once suggested we help him come up with a way to warn automobile drivers when their car they was moving over the edge of the lane onto the berm. Our brains never came close to any such idea, but somebody else did. Now some cars warn you when you are slipping out of your lane. When we see such novel approaches to do things, I like to think that God has inspired someone to think out of the box and solve a problem or find a new way to achieve unique results. Each person has areas in which we seem to be able to think more clearly than in other areas. Some of us are mathematically inclined. Others may be word oriented or scientifically savvy.  It is a good idea to ask God to help us identify our areas of strength and ask him to direct us into innovative thinking that can be used to bless others. I’m convinced God enjoys seeing us excel in ways that bless others. Be it a sensitivity to what makes someone feel encouraged, or maybe a small sentence which might redirect a misunderstanding or convey worth to someone who feels worthless. God is able to use us in our daily lives to bless those around us. Ask Him to empower us.  

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