Looks Impossible

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement

Looks Impossible

The audience gasped when the man climbed onto a board balanced on two hollow tubes placed on top of each other at ninety degree angles. The gasps turned to groans when he made the tower taller with more unstable tubes stacked up. To balance on top of such a contraption looked impossible. None of the viewers would have considered such a feat, but the performer not only balanced, he juggled from the precarious perch without falling from his dangerous height.


Sometimes the circumstances in our lives seem as hazardous to our well being as that man’s contraption. How can we remain balanced with all the things we are required to juggle? The performer didn’t start out with the extreme balancing act I watched. He began with a simple balancing task and practiced over and over until he developed the skills to perform more and more complicated acts We start out talking to God and asking for his help for the situations in our lives, no matter how simple; and we continue to develop by asking for and listening to His guidance to find healthy ways to balance what we must and to uncomplicate our lives where we are able. When we learn to see things through his perspective, we often find our ideas adjust so that we know where to put our efforts and where to let a matter drop.

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