Friendships and Laughter

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Friendships and Laughter

Our lunches with friends are spiced with a lot of laughter. A quip here and a joke there throws off the bite of any problem we face or even the reality of growing older. Laughter makes these times of getting together with friends stand out as great highlights on our calendar of events. Each one of us treasures our times together because we’ve discovered the reality of a biblical truth. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Prov.17:22.

Friends are one of the greatest riches in life. When together we are stronger in the face of adversity. Together, we can conquer tasks we couldn’t accomplish by ourselves. The togetherness of friendship brings comfort. Together, we help each other look on the bright side. Together, we help each other bear up in difficulties. Knowing we can count on each other to pray for our problems, we are buoyed by steadfast friends no matter what we face. The presence of friends offers amazing comfort, smiles, and opportunities to laugh. Ask God to send people you can befriend. Be prepared to show friendliness first. God can help us build stable, long-lasting friendships that bless our lives.

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