Miniature Golf

We were in for a treat—the opportunity to play miniature golf with some of our great grandchildren. Since we were several years past having a golf club putter in our hands, we were not serious competition and couldn’t possibly make anyone feel overly competitive. Between a water trap that was more fun to splash in than avoid with their balls, and the distraction of cousins clowning around, we were glad there were no serious groups behind us. Everyone had fun. Best of all, a good, wholesome memory was stored in each of our memory banks. These days that can be a challenge with the price of entertainment climbing higher month by month. None-the-less collective family memories which are worth a lot to establish a sense of belonging and solid group unity.

           Croquet, board games, horseshoes, anything that a group can engage in is good for establishing sportsmanship, coordination, and family solidarity. These shared experiences help form a bulwark against the prevalence of attacks against family in our current society. If these activities are accompanied by prayer, even better. God knows how to create a family unit that experiences dependability, loyalty, togetherness, and love. Asking for His participation in establishing memories which shore up our values is a kind of prayer that makes Him glad. He will provide guidance and protection against forces that would tear at our family. It’s worthwhile to take a moment to ground any activity in prayer. He will help us toward good goals and results.

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