Outdated Billboards
Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Outdated Billboards
It took a long drive through several states to realize that old fashioned billboard were a thing of the past. The kind that displayed large advertisement on heavy paper glued to a wooden backboard, using a large brush to apply the glue are passe. The process of changing those old ads took time and energy. The modern billboard is a wonder of technology, making the change of ads faster, easier. The resulting picture can move and stays bright despite exposure to weather. Using key strokes on some distant computer allows the entire ad to be completely changed. But there are still some abandoned old-fashioned billboards along the highways. They have ragged looking old pictures mostly worn off and expose deteriorating wood. They are still present on less traveled roads.
It’s important to ask our God to keep our thinking in line with His will and His plans. Talking with Him about what is obsolete in our thinking and our actions will help us keep current in our ability to represent His timeless, everlasting, eternal message to people of today.
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