To Do Lists

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
To Do Lists

Ah, the tyranny of a To Do List. They are helpful to keep us organized, prevent forgetfulness, and accomplish things we want/need done, but they still can create a lot of pressure on us. At times, they can make us feel we can’t possibly get everything done in time. A helpful tip for list making is to evaluate why you feel you must do a particular chore. Is it to impress someone? Or is it necessary to maintain a healthy environment? Is it to fulfill an obligation you probably shouldn’t have agreed to? One way to lessen the pressure is to allow more time than seems reasonable to accomplish the important items so you are less likely to get caught unable to achieve your goal when needed. We can break our chores into categories. Keep separate lists for each category. For instance, if a trip is looming on the horizon, we can keep a list for that activity separately from the list of chores which need attending around the house. Lists have the benefit of giving us a place to mark off an accomplishment and feel gratified. Lists can give you a sense of being in control, relaxed, and at peace for long term projects by breaking projects into reasonable goals for days, weeks or months to accomplish.

The ultimate secret of lists is to consult your family and your God before committing yourself to a project or task. When necessary, be willing to seek help when you have too much on your plate. Ask God to give you the ability to organize your necessary chores and the wisdom to know when to say yes and when to say no. God cares that you have a healthy environment and a healthy mental state. He is also able to stretch each of us beyond what feels comfortable. He can help us evaluate what is best for us and those for whom we are responsible. God, help each of us use all the minutes, hours, and days You give us in ways that benefit Your Kingdom, our family, and our community, and keeps us mentally stable and useful. Help us involve You in all our planning.

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