Traffic Jams

The very thought of a long, tangled traffic jam can make our blood pressure rise. We’ve all experienced them. We’ve rounded a bend only to find cars stuck one behind another as far as the eye can see, testing our patience and making us late. We clutch the steering wheel to stay alert ready for emergency. If we changed lanes that might allow moving ahead faster.

Does our life sometimes seem like a tangled traffic jam.  The way forward is crammed with obstacles that won’t move out of the way, and we don’t see a way around the traffic and entertain the idea of getting off the highway at the next exit.  Careers can seem to become bogged down. Relationships can become tangled and seem to be going nowhere fast. Maybe it’s our daily routines that have become burdensome and overwhelm us. There is no predicament or impediment that is beyond conquering with a bit of patience and the help of our God. We often forget to lay the problem, whatever it is, before our God. Nothing is too small for Him to care about if it concerns us. If there is no immediate solution, He can grant us uncharacteristic patience for whatever the problem is it to work our way through it. In addition, He can reveal solutions to our varieties of problems.  A prayer life that keeps us in daily contact with our God is a good foundation to find resolutions to our problems.

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