
I remember when I was little carrying my dolls outside and playing house under a triangle of three red bud trees with their broad heart-shaped leaves providing a measure of privacy. Maybe that contributed to my love of trees. Today our home is surrounded by beautiful trees, gorgeous green foliage providing shade and beauty. The roads in our city are lined with rows of lush trees. Even the medians of thoroughfares are showing off many types of lovely trees. Trees are a gift from God. From small trees bearing delicious fruit or lovely blossoms to stately trees reaching high into the sky they are worthy of appreciation and preservation. Some of these stately giants are over a hundred years old. They remind us of God’s faithfulness through the ages.

Trees are a gift from God. Trees are part of God’s amazing plan for this earth. Trees take the carbon dioxide we humans breathe out and convert it into oxygen that we breathe in. They contribute to the beauty of our world. Our society makes many important things from wood provided by trees from toothpicks to houses.  Let’s take time to thank God for trees and use them as a reminder of His thoughtful care for us as we go about our days.

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