We Have a Choice

Recently, some combination of circumstances piled in all at once creating a major test. I didn’t pass. Sometimes we don’t have any control over a particular happening in our life. Things happen to us or around us that make a mighty difference in our situation, or our emotions, or our opportunities, and we didn’t create the situation. When things happen in our lives that bring us grief, dismay, trouble, or any negative feelings, no matter how we feel we still have the power to choose our response.

No matter how unprepared or inadequate we feel, no matter how incapable we feel inside, we carry the ability to choose how we will react. We always have a choice. We can indulge in a big meltdown. We can stage a massive defense. Or we can make the choice to consult God about how we should react, and what we should do. He can guide us in our responses. And if we fail the challenge, we can still make the choice to wash our face, take a deep breath and bow our head to God. He’s right there to forgive us and direct us on how to proceed from there.  Remember we always, always have a choice over our reactions.  There is supernatural peace in our connection to God which empowers our reactions beyond our own abilities.

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