

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt encouragement



The children gathered close to watch their mother light the candles on their Dad’s birthday cake.  The almost one year old was safely ensconced in her high chair beyond reach of the cake. When the candle’s were lit, she chortled and flung her arms wide. A large smile spread across her face with her wide eyes fastened on the candle flames. She continued to throw her arms as wide apart as she could, chortling with glee and then flinging her arms out again. Clearly the sight of the little flames excited a very enthusiastic response of delight. As adults who have witnessed many birthday cake candle lightings over the years, the baby’s enthusiasm provided a fresh perspective to the routine event.


The baby’s glee at observing the sight for the first time renewed our dulled appreciation. We can regularly enjoy such resurrection of forgotten wonderment if we ask God to renew our enthusiasm for the happenings of our days.  God, make us delight with wonderment over all the little pleasures of life on earth.

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