Amazing Treasure

Mary’s Monday Musings

Amazing Treasure

Funerals spawn a vast span of emotions. Two close together funerals kept my emotions spinning at a dizzy pace. Sorrow at the loss of loved ones was balanced by delight at meeting family members I hadn’t seen since they were little children. What fun to enjoy conversation with these charming young adults and discover their amazing personalities, their talents and graciousness. When love for the family who gathers mixes with sorrow for the loss of a family member, an amazing miracle takes place resulting in an unexpected type of blessing. Seeing loved ones lifts us beyond ourselves. What joy to hug and commiserate with family we only see now and then. What a blessing extended family is. If yours is small, you can enlarge your circle of meaningful friends instead.

The joy of knowing cousins expands our horizons. Maintaining relationships via visits, attending funerals and weddings expands our capacity to love people deeply. How worthwhile to take time to nourish our relationships. In this day of internet, and social media added to the old timey methods of telephone and letters, we have lots of ways to stay in touch and maintain our interest in one another which also enlarges our capacity to care about what happens to one another. Aunts, uncles, cousins enrich our lives, broaden our horizons and give us more reasons for gladness. A life rich in relationships of family and friendships shelters us from loneliness, protects us from self-centeredness, and lightens the burdens of life. Fire up the computer, uncap your pen, pick up the telephone and reach out to family and friends. You will find your life enriched, your understanding of humanity enlarged, and joy beyond expectation. Guess what? What you do unto others will bring the same blessings back to visit you also. For every concern you carry for another, you will receive the concern of others when you need it. For every drop of love you spill over others, more love will spill over your heart and life. Our great Creator glories in multiplying love in our lives.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Unsplash

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