Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
A tiny baby, a few minutes old is a wonderful conduit of hope. No one knows what life holds for that brand-new life. For the moment, the possibilities for the child are without limits. The newborn child is innocent of mistakes. As the saying goes, “the “sky’s the limit” To hold a freshly born baby is an immense privilege. We are touching and marveling over an amazing miracle. Never is skin softer nor helplessness more apparent. That little bundle, so vulnerable, is utterly dependent on the goodness of those who welcome him or her into the world.
The newborn’s defense system is a cry that quickly becomes something one can’t disregard. The persistence of the child’s wailing for its most basic needs—to be fed, dry, or held—defies ignoring. A wail demands attention. Studies reveal babies are handicapped in their adaptation to this world, if they aren’t held and cuddled while they are fed. They need conversation while diapered. They prosper from someone to dote on them and delight in them. Along with milk and clean diapers, one of the child’s basic needs is warm touch and attention.
Eventually, we grow up and become able to secure and prepare food and feed ourselves; but the need to receive warm, loving touch never goes away. We certainly aren’t as innocent and lovable as we were as babies; but, nevertheless, the need for tender touch remains. Let’s reach out and squeeze a hand, bestow a hug, pat a shoulder. You never know, you may unknowingly quiet an inner wail, give birth to a spark of hope, and provide a person with just the nourishment needed to survive a little longer.
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