Goodbye Stalwart Sentinel
Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Goodbye Stalwart Sentinel
Our neighbor’s magnificent tree stood tall above all the homes and most of the neighborhood trees. Perfectly shaped it made a circle of shade and stood like a guard over its area where it provided shelter for birds, squirrels and a lot of pleasure to all of us privileged to pass the beautiful tree regularly. Regrettably, forceful Hurricane Michael’s strong winds buffeted the old tree particularly hard and its roots shifted back and forth so much that the trees connection with the soil was damaged. The safest course was to carefully take the tree down before it fell of its own accord and damaged homes or took the power lines out.
We miss that gallant sentinel of our street with its beautiful foliage. Its damage was beneath the ground. Without the knowledge of a tree arborist, we couldn’t tell that the roots were in trouble. How many people do we meet as we go about our daily duties who appear happy and doing well in every way; but, underneath the surface, their roots have been buffeted by powerful forces that rocked their lives and damaged their coping system. These lovely people go about their days spreading the beauty of their talents, the protection of their character, and standing tall when their insides want to crumble. Fortunately, with people instead of taking the person down, there are many helps and sources to strengthen us when the winds of life have left their mark. Since we aren’t often privy to the tumult of those who surround us, it behooves us to form the habit of always using kindness as the root of all our relationships. We can refuse to judge others harshly and determine to view others with the kindness we hope to encounter when we are troubled in our own lives. Let’s pray that God will use us to sooth and encourage all we encounter and that others will feel safe with us. God, give us insight to know how to lift others up in prayer and be your instrument for good in one another’s lives.
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