Grey Days

Grey Days

            Our Wisconsin relatives arrived in Virginia ready for some sun. Heavy grey clouds had hovered over their Midwestern skies for 3 dreary weeks. What did they find when they arrived here? The gray days had followed them. We all felt our spirits lift when finally the Sun broke through the day before they left. Not only the day brightened, but our emotions also improved. Amazing, how much the weather can affect our mood. There is even a psychological name for this–SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Light therapy is sometimes recommended to help those suffering from it. Some time spent under specific types of lighting was thought to help although, now, some doctors don’t use this approach.


Interesting. When I spend time in the light of the Son of God, my spirits lift even better than if I had sunbathed under the solar system Sun. Merely speaking to Jesus, especially if we speak out loud, helps us feel the light of His presence in any situation. Communicating with Jesus, the Son of God, enables each of us to face life better—to experience joy and to overcome adversity. The light of Jesus is easy to turn on. It doesn’t require the flip of a switch, we only need to turn our thoughts to Him and talk with Him. If we ask, he’ll lift us from the grey doldrums and bring us joy. Jesus is the ultimate mood brightener.

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