Remedy for Black Mold
Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Remedy for Black Mold
Another family met the shock, despair, and uncertainties which accompanied their discovery of black mold hidden from sight in their house. Medical tests confirmed this was the source of the miseries their little child experienced. People gave them refuge in another house while they followed the experts’ recommendations on how to deal with their contaminated home.
Black mold clings to a house and brings sickness with it. Even more destructive and stubborn is black despair that sometimes clings to our souls and brings its own brand of consequences. While people have learned ways to deal with black mold and all sorts of other problems, Jesus Christ is the amazing answer to our soul’s difficulties of dealing with the problems of this world.
God sent His son to earth to give us a glimpse of His great love and forgiveness, hence saving us from despair which tries to torment our souls. Jesus came that we might invite Him to come into our lives and heart and allow His love to rid us from the guilt of our mistakes. It is so simple, but the human mind wants to make it complicated. Guilt screams condemnation. On the cross for our sakes, Jesus speaks forgiveness. Our task is to receive Him and what He did for us. Because of Jesus, we can replace our guilt with relief from its condemnation. We can begin to grasp His love for us and relax in His care. With His help, we can also extend that forgiveness beyond ourselves and forgive those who have hurt us. While it is quite a process to scrub, spray, fumigate, and cut away black mold from our house, receiving God’s forgiveness and love is a matter of faith. And faith is ours when we ask for it. God is with us to lead us to the way He wants us to walk which in turn brings us to recognize God’s goodness. The revelation of His love allows our souls to relax and appropriate His love, so we can walk without condemnation in this mixed-up world of ours.
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