Rocks and Hazards
Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Rocks and Hazards
All activity stopped. The group of people scattered about cleaning up from the wedding stood as if frozen for the second it took my husband to step back from a sudden cascade of water onto a large uneven rock and tumble to the ground. Then people rushed to where he lay crumpled in a heap. We helped him up and assessed the damage. Thanks to ample mulch, the injuries were limited to scraped elbows and a bruised shin. Antiseptic ointment and elevating his swollen, bruised leg seemed all that was necessary. Following these steps the elbows healed and the shin looked better and better. But, a full week later the leg suddenly swelled and became hot with an angry red that spread down his leg. Slow healing followed an Urgent Care visit and antibiotics.
The incident set us searching for what kind of spiritual applications we might find in the experience.
1. Look before you step. Makes good sense. But sometimes we don’t notice the dangers or hazards. Starting the day with prayer for whatever the hours will hold is a good plan. We may still stumble over a rock or unseen hazard, but asking God for His presence during our day, helps us trust that He will use everything that happens to us physically for his purposes.
2. We don’t always foresee missteps that will trip us or dangers to avoid. Pray for insight into things that can trip us up emotionally or spiritually.
3. What we see on the surface may only be part of the picture. Bacteria, which lurked out of sight and the reach of soap and antiseptics, created a painful consequence. Ask God to help us discern the snares of life that lurk out of sight.
4. Remember God personally staffs the urgent care for our lives.
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